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We are ready for this winter 2024-25 with various flight modalities, so that you can experience the Pyrenees from a new perspective.



We are ready for this winter 2024-25 with various flight modalities, so that you can experience the Pyrenees from a new perspective.

We are ready for this winter 2024-25 with various flight modalities, so that you can experience the Pyrenees from a new perspective.

Registered company, Active Tourism of Aragon

Latest news, blog

By David Blanco Torres March 2, 2025
¡Hola a todos! 🎿✨ Hoy queremos compartir con vosotros un video que captura la esencia de nuestro curso de iniciación al Speedriding en la espectacular estación de esquí de Cerler. Imagina deslizarte por las laderas mientras disfrutas de las vistas panorámicas de las montañas más altas de los Pirineos. ¡Es una experiencia única! Aunque el tiempo no siempre nos sonríe, esos momentos nublados añaden una magia especial al paisaje. Las montañas se ven aún más impresionantes bajo un manto de nubes. ⛅️🏔️ Un agradecimiento enorme a Cerler por apostar por la diversidad deportiva en su dominio esquiable. Gracias a ellos, podemos disfrutar de actividades tan emocionantes como el Speedriding, combinando lo mejor del esquí y el parapente.  ¡No te lo pierdas, ven a vivirlo con nosotros! 🚀🎉
By David Blanco Torres February 8, 2025
**Estreno de la Temporada de Speedriding en Cerler** Después de una larga espera, las nevadas finalmente han llegado a Cerler en febrero, dando inicio a una emocionante temporada de Speedriding. Este año, tenemos el placer de anunciar el estreno de un video editado que captura la esencia de esta increíble disciplina en la nieve durante febrero de 2025. Los cursos de Speedriding comienzan pronto, ofreciendo opciones para diferentes niveles de habilidad. Desde principiantes que desean aprender los fundamentos hasta los freeriders más experimentados que buscan perfeccionar sus técnicas, hay algo para todos.  No pierdas la oportunidad de experimentar la adrenalina del Speedriding en un entorno espectacular como Cerler. ¡Prepárate para volar sobre la nieve!
instructores de parapente en el despegue
By David Blanco Torres January 16, 2025
Cuarto curos de técnico deportivo en Castejón de Sos. Información y reserva. Curso organizado a través de la federación aragonesa de los deportes aéreos.
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Speedriding School

Two-seater flights

Paragliding School

Speedriding School

Upcoming news courses, events, trips

Upcoming news, events, courses, trips

This winter, give away a two-seater "Speedtandem" flight.

What is a Speedtandem two-seater flight?

If you wish, you can receive a printable and dedicated "Gift Voucher" when you make your reservation.

More info

2nd Speedfly Meeting in Castejón de Sos

Event last September where we met and gave visibility to our sport.


7 Speedriding concentration in Cerler

Winter 2023-3034

We leave you the chronicle and video of the event.

Chronicle and video

In summer, give a two-seater paragliding flight.

It is the classic paragliding flight.

If you wish, you can receive a printable and dedicated "Gift Voucher" when you make your reservation.

More info


This winter, give away a two-seater "Speedtandem" flight.

What is a Speedtandem two-seater flight?

If you wish, you can receive a printable and dedicated "Gift Voucher" when you make your reservation.

More info

2nd Speedfly Meeting in Castejón de Sos

Event last September where we met and gave visibility to our sport.


7 Speedriding concentration in Cerler

Winter 2023-3034

We leave you the chronicle and video of the event.

Chronicle and video

In summer, give a two-seater paragliding flight.

It is the classic paragliding flight.

If you wish, you can receive a printable and dedicated "Gift Voucher" when you make your reservation.

More info

Dedicated to flying all year round

Dedicated to flight all year round, summer and winter.

Speedriding Cerler

Discover a new way to enjoy winter, a combination of skiing and paragliding where skiing predominates. Feeling of weightlessness as you glide through the snow.


Paragliding in Castejon de Sos

A discipline that we all know. High altitude flights, cross country, thermals, acrobatics, tandem flights. Different courses with different levels. Enjoy a privileged place


Speedflying Benasque

For the most seasoned: with or without skis, summer or winter. Adrenaline and addiction for the whole year. Get the most out of your mini-glider (mini-paraglider) safely.


Once you have flown, you will walk the earth with your eyes on the sky

(Leonardo Da Vinci)

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